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  • 50,000 people have participated in the Tohoku Medical Megabank Project Community-Based Cohort Study in Miyagi Prefecture
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    50,000 people have participated in the Tohoku Medical Megabank Project Community-Based Cohort Study in Miyagi Prefecture

    News: 2015/11/04

    On Wednesday, Nov. 4th, 2015, ToMMo reaches its target of recruiting 50,000 people participating in the Tohoku Medical Megabank Project Community-Based Cohort Study* (TMM CommCohort Study) in Miyagi Prefecture.
    On May 20th, 2013, ToMMo launched the TMM CommCohort Study which gained the understanding and cooperation of community residents through two protocols: (1) ToMMo's staff visited the venues of "specific health checkups (a screening focused on lifestyle related diseases for those aged 40-74)" conducted by municipalities in Miyagi Prefecture, and asked the residents to participate; and (2) Community residents visited and were asked to participate at the Community Support Centers in Miyagi Prefecture. 37,808 participants have been registered at the venues of “specific health checkups,” and 12,226 participants have been registered at Community Support Centers.
    ToMMo will integrate the findings based on the study participants, and carry out analyses of the trends, among other activities.

    *: Cohort study is a study in which groups of people with certain characteristics are followed over time to determine the relationship between diseases and factors such as the environment, lifestyle and genetic makeup.

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